100+ Most Famous Motivational Quotes of All Time

Famous Motivational Quotes | In this blog i will give you the Most Famous Motivational Quotes of all time that willl inspire you at every moment of life. These Famous Motivational Quotes are very helpful for you to achieve your goals without any problem.

Famous Motivational Quotes are the powerfull words that can change any thing in the world. here you will get the Famous Motivational Quotes, inpiration quotes in english, happines quotes in english, struggle quotes in english.

Famous Motivational Quotes

Famous Motivational Quotes | Happiness Quotes in English | Life Quotes in English

  1. Believe in yourself and the world will be at you feet.
  2. Raise you words, not voice. it is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.
  3. You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.
  4. And do good, indeed Allah loves the doers of good.
  5. I’ve always wanted to be a women who isn’t afraid to tell her story.
  6. Self-love is necessary for a functional and successful life.
  7. We may have our differences, but nothing’s more imporant than family.
  8. You have to keep breaaking you heart. Until it opens.
  9. Knowledge without action is meaningless.
  10. Neighter in this world nor elsewhere is there any happiness is store for hum who alwats doubts.
  11. The meaning of life is that it stopes.
  12. Patience is a pillar of faith.
  13. You can not satisfy all you desires, otherwise you will lose.
  14. Do not lose hope, not be sad.
  15. I didn’t choose you, my heart did.
  16. I can’t tell where the journey will end but i know where to start.
  17. Among the blind, one eyed man is king.
  18. Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receieve it.
  19. Be and it is, his command is only when hi intends a thing that he says to it, be and it is.
  20. 30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu
  21. Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.
  22. Beauty begings the moment you decided to be youself.
  23. Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.
  24. SOme are the born great, some achieve greatness, and some greatness thrust upon them.
  25. A book is a gift you can open again and again.
  26. Life is all about respective.
  27. Seek solitude and find youself.
  28. Either i will come back after hoisting the tricolor,or i will come back wrapped in it,
  29. You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.
  30. Sometimes you break you heart to save your soul.
  31. Belive Achieve Succeed.
  32. Peace begins with a smile.
  33. English is no longer an english language now grows from many roots.
  34. remove the conflict between your desires and your duties, peace will come.

  35. Famous Motivational Quotes | Success Quotes in English 
  36. I felt so much that i started to feel nothing.
  37. All birds find shelter during a rain, but eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds.
  38. Silence is the garden of thought.
  39. There’s no better friend than a sister.
  40. One mistake of patience, ten years of peace.
  41. If you find someone you love in you life, then hang on to that love.
  42. Depression is being color blind and constanty told how colorful the worlds is.
  43. Once you choose hope, anythig’s possible.
  44. A problem share is a problem halved.
  45. Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.
  46. Keep you face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
  47. i like work, it fascinates me. i can sit and look at it for hours.
  48. Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
  49. The morning is a blank canvas, paint something beautiful.
  50. Some people hurt by words, some by action & some by silence. But the
  51. biggest hurt is that someone ignoring us whewn we value them a lot.
  52. Life is better with true friends.
  53. Words, without power, is mere philosophy.
  54. love is an endless act of sacrifice.
  55. There are so many beautiful reasongs to be happy.
  56. Mountains are the beginning and end of all natural scenery.
  57. The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops.
  58. A wise man among the ignorant is as a beautiful girl in the company of blind men.
  59. Even it is covered by Dirt or Dust, Money is valuable, Money is worthy.
  60. A mother’s love is like no other.
  61. The big secret in life is that there is no secret whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.
  62. It’s the will not the skill
  63. There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some resonn in madness.
  64. In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.
  65. DO one thing at a time, and while doing it put your whole soul into it to the exclusion of all else.
  66. When you don’t give up, you cannot fail.
  67. WHen you’re happy you enjoy the music, when you’re sad you understad the lyrics.
  68. Everything that i see and do reminds me of him, I wish i could erase all of his memories.
  69. I love that you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night.
  70. I the end, promisesa are just words.
  71. Make moves in silence, success will make the noise.
  72. It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.
  73. Read good boook daily and improve your knowledge.
  74. No matter where you go, you will always be in my heart.
  75. Success consists in moving from faiure to failure without loss of enthusiaml.
  76. Sometimes, the person you want most is the person you’re best without.
  77. Famous Motivational Quotes | Happy Life Quotes in English

  78. I’m not superstitious but i am a little stitious.
  79. Even if a snake is not pooisonous it should pretend to be venemous.
  80. Life should be great, rather than long.
  81. You make every moment special for me and i have no words to thankyou.
  82. It hurts a leave a light on for nobody.
  83. I am a man and all that affects mankind concerns me.
  84. But inner experience is only one source of human knowledge.
    You are stronger than you think.
  85. The farmer has to be a optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.
  86. Wishing you a birthday that’s just as wonderful as you are.
    I need tha pain to know i still exist.
  87. Cry, Forgive, Learn, Move onm Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.
  88. Be someone’s strength. Be someone’s inpiration. Be someone’s Reason to never give up.
  89. Pain changes people, some become rude and some become silent.
  90. One small positive thought in the morning can change.
    A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.
  91. Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.
  92. Each time i hear your vo
  93. ice, i feel loved, you are the best.
  94. Pain changes people, some become rude. and some become silent.
  95. Love is like firefly, it glows for a moment then it’s gone.
  96. Being sad with the right people is better than being happy with the wrong one’s
  97. Each time i hear your voice i feel loved. You are the best.
  98. With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing
  99. worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
  100. I’m not a perfect person, i make a lot of mistake but it really appreciates. Those people who stayes with me after knowing who i really am.
  101. Forgetting you, i tried but i faild, somehow your scent and your face forever in my heart are engraved,
  102. Love is how you sty alive, even after you are gone.
  103. The only thing i’m committed to right now is bettering myself.

100+ Most Famous Quotes of All Time in English

Most Famous Quotes| In this blog we will provide you the Most Famous Quotes of all time in english. Here you will get the Most Famous Quotes and english quotes of all time.

Most Famous Quotes

Most Famous Quotes | Famous Quotes | Best Quotes of All Time

  1. The key to success is not avoifing failure but havinng the right attitude when you face it.
  2. Those who don’t understand you silence, Will never understands your words.
  3. love comes to you when you are not realy for it. And Leaves when you need it most.
  4. Nothing is impossible. The word itself says that I’m Possible.
  5. life comes from the earth and life returns to the earth.
  6. Every morning you have two choices, continue to sleef with you dreams/
    or wake up and chase them.
  7. If you can’t find a way. Create one.
  8. Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
  9. TO have another languages to possess a second soul.
  10. You only live once, but it you do it right once is enough.
  11. Education is the most powerfull weapong which you can use to change the world.
  12. Keep it SHort & simple.
  13. Each person must live their life as a model for anoher.
  14. The Future depends on what we do in the present.
  15. The English language is simply not logical. It is strong free, and beautiful.
  16. If you know your strength the world is yours.
  17. Life is short, spend it with people who bring out the best in you, not the worst in you.
  18. Lif eis made of ever so many partings welded together.
  19. The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.
  20. Patience, Persistence and Perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.
  21. If you want to shine life a sun, first burn life a sun.
  22. Develop success from failures, Discouragement and failulre two of the surect steping strones to success.
  23. I do believe something very magival can happen when you read a good book.
  24. 30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu
  25. The way i see it, if you wantthe rainbnow, you gotta put up with the rain.
  26. Perfection is not attainable. But if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
  27. It hursts the most when the person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel
  28. so unwanted today.
  29. Happiness is a stage of mind. It’s just according to the way you look at the things.
  30. Thoughts in English to start you daily right.
  31. Yoga is the jounery of the self through the self, to the self.
  32. If you have the courage, it’s impossible to lose.
  33. I believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don’t intend to waste any of mine.
  34. Beings positive in a negative situation is not naive. it’s leadership
  35. 30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu
  36. Ask no questions and hear no lies.
  37. Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other.
  38. TOday is a struggle, Tommorr is hope. The future belongs to those who kee[ps trying.
  39. It hurst to let go, but sometimes it hurst more to hold on.
  40. Making friends is easy, ut keepings in touch with them for long time is extremely difficult.
  41. Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life, it’s abou what you inpire others to do.
  42. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

    Most Famous Quotes | English Quotes | Amazing Quotes of All Time

  43. embrnace the challenges as opportuinitees for growth, for they are the stepping stones to
  44. success.
  45. Being happy is the greaest form of success.
  46. If you want to be stones learn to enjoy being alone.
  47. I grow happier with every moment spent by your side.
  48. Self-Disciplane is self-caring.
  49. THe heart was made to be broken.
  50. Education’s purpose is to repalce an empty mind with an open one.
  51. Education is the most powerful wapong which you can use to change the world.
  52. The expert in anything was once begineer.
  53. Sleep is a mirror of the life in whicih can be seen the reflection of death.
  54. Life is a long lesson in huminity.
  55. Change the world by being youself.
  56. Try not to become a man of success, but rather become a man of value.
  57. Education is the passport to the future for tommorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
  58. I will not lose, for even in defeat, there’s valuable lesson learned, so it evens up for me.
  59. There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.
  60. A person who never made a mistake neve tried anything new.
  61. Take my hand, take my whole life> for I can’t falp falling in love with you.
  62. For the great doesn’t happen through impluse alone, and is a succession of little things that are brought together.
  63. Shakespeare’s taught me that thee are more words in english language that i have got in my head.,.
  64. The light of compassion immluminates the shadows of suffering.
  65. knowing what must be done does away with fear.
  66. Life isn’t about finding youself. Life is about creating yourself.
  67. There is no substiture for hard work.
  68. THe world is ancient, but it has not lost its newness.
  69. If the family were a boat, it would be a canoe that makes no progress unless everyone paddles.
  70. Beauty is everywhere You only have to look see it.
  71. Success is the sum of all efforts, repeated day in & day oil. look deep into nature and you will understand everything better.
    Most Famous Quotes | Happy Quotes | Education Quotes 
  72. A friend is one soul abiding in two bodies.
  73. A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
  74. Every flower must grow throught dirt.
  75. Education is the vaccine of violence.
  76. How important is it to be successful? prepering for success is more important than that.
  77. The sadness will last forever.
  78. Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a positive attitude while waiting.
  79. What good is an idea if it reminds an idea? try experiment iterate. Fail try again change the world.
  80. knowing what must be done does away with fear.
  81. Live with no exxcuses with no regrets.
  82. Sometimes, the pain runs too deep to be healded by words alone unknown.
  83. Getting hurt is not a big deal it’s a big thing to mistake to msile when you’re hurt.
  84. You ask me if i keep a noteboook to record my great ideas. I h’ve only ever had one.
  85. Most heart-touching deep love quotes for him.
  86. When our signature changes to autograph this marks the success.
  87. Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions. never know too much to learn something new.
  88. Wealth is not about having a lot of money, it’s about having a lot of options.
  89. Love your job but don’t love your company, because you may not know when your company stops loving you.
  90. The beauty of Quran is that you cannot change it’s message, but Quran can change you.
    Most Famous Quotes | Best Quotes | Sad Quotes of All Time
  91. Be aware of you own worth, use all of you power to achieve it.
  92. THere is nothing impossible to they who will try.
  93. To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.
  94. On life, patience, love, death, silence & knowledge
  95. Keep on going never give up.
  96. Life is a journye make the most out of it.
  97. Time changes everything except somoething within us which is always surprised by change.
  98. Zero is supposed too be nothing but works wonders it on the right slide.
  99. Collect moments not things.
  100. i think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want.
  101. A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.
  102. And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not befcome divided.
  103. Don’t trust everyone because sugar or salt btoh have some colours.
  104. And do good, indeed ALlah loves the doers of good.
  105. I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.

30+ Most Famous Quotes in English & Hindi

Famous Quotes in English ! in this blog we will come up with the most famous Famous Quotes in English and hindi. Famous Quotes in English is here in this blog. if you want more Famous Quotes in English  that this website is very helpful for you.

Famous Quotes in English | Quotes in Hindi | QUotes in English

Famous Quotes in English, Quotes are the most powerful words in the world that they can change from anyone’s life from happny to sad and sadness to happiness. so in this blog i will come up with the Famous Quotes in English


Famous Quotes in English

  1. manzilain hamesha un hi ko milti hain jo manzilon ko talasha karty
    Destinations are always reached only by those who search these destinations
    Kum zarf log risto ko azmaty zyada aur nibhaty kum hain.

  2. Hajoom ky sath galat raah pur chalny sy behter hain ky aap tanha
    rah hidayat pur chal pady.
    It is better to be walk alone than to walk on the wrong path with the crowd.

  3. Jin ky dil narazm hoty hain na zindagi unhi ky sathi utna hi
    sakhti sy paish ati hai.
    Those whose hearts are soft, life is their appers to be strict for them.

    30 Best Quotes about life in urdu

  4. Apni zindagi me subko ehmiyat diya karo
    jo acha hoga wahi apko khushi dega
    jo bura hoga wahi apko sabaq dega.
    Give importance to everyone in your life
    only what is good will make you happy whatever bad happens will
    teach you a lesson

  5. sath hona ishq nhi hai, sath dena ishq hai.
    Being together is not love, giving support is love.

  6. waqt, aitbar aur izzat esy parindy hai jo ud jaye to wapas nahi aty.
    Time, trust and respect are such birds that if they fly away they will
    never come back.

  7. gum na kiya karo khoye hui cheez kisi dusri surat me wapas mil
    jati hai.
    Don’t be sad, get the lost thing back in a different form.

  8. kabhi kabhi hum kisi ky liye itny bhi zaroori nahi hoty jitna
    khud zaroori soch lety hai.
    sometimes we are not as important for someone as we thinks that we
    are important for them.

    Famous Quotes in English | All Time Famous Quotes in English

  9. baap ka hath pakadna sekh lo
    umar bhar kisi ky pao padny ki zaroorat nhi padygi
    Learn to hold father’s hand you will not need to support anyone
    throughout your life.

  10. jo apko mazboot banaty hain na wo apki zindagi ky mushkil din
    The things that make you strong are the difficult days of your life.

  11. maut ko yaad rakhna nafs ki sari bimariyon ka ilaj hai.
    Remebering death is the cure for all diseases of the soul.

  12. muhabbat ho ya izzat kisi ko itni na diya karo ky wo apki
    qadar karna hi bhool jaye.
    Love or Respect, don’t give so much to anyone as they forgets you.

  13. Ap jo sochty hain wahi ban jaty hain.
    You become what your think.

  14. apki baatcheet hi bata deti hai ky tarbiyat hoi hai ya pala gaya hai.
    Your conversation itself tells whether you have been trained or nutured.

  15. Jub kisi ny chodna ho to us ky bolny ka andaz badal jata hai
    When some has to leave you then his style of speaking will be changed.

  16. waqt guzarny dain, waqt khid zindagi ko sabaq sikha deta hai.
    Let the time pass, time itself teaches life a lesson by time

    Famous Quotes in English | Famous Quotes in Hindi

  17. Koi bhi kaam na mumkin nahi hai agar ap usy usy karny ki himmat
    rakhty hain to.
    No work is impossible if you have the courage to do it.

  18. zaroorat ki cheez jub zaroorat sy zyada milny lagy to wo bhi gair zaroori ho jat hai.

  19. Rishto ko ehmiyat dijyea, taj mahal logon ky dekha hai mumtaz ny
    Give importance to relationships, people have seen Taj Mahal no mumtaz.

  20. Shikwa, Taqdeer ky likhy pur kabhi shikwa na karna, Ap itny aqalmand
    nhi ho jo Allah pak ky irady samjh sakhy.
    Complain, never complain about destiny, you are not so intelligent to know the plans of Allah.

  21. Achy din guzarny ky liye bury dino sy guzarna padta hai.
    To live good days its necessary to go from living bad days.

  22. Insan hamesha takleef me hi sekhta hai
    khushi me to purany sabaq hi bhool jaty hai.
    Man always learn by pains, in happniess the previous pain are also forgets.

  23. Itna karo ky jub khud py aye to bardasht kar pao

  24. Jin me akely chalny ka hosla hota hai na ek din unky hi pechy qafly hoty hain.

  25. Sabar ka ghont dusron ko pilana asan hai,
    khud pety hue pata chalta hai ky ek ek qatra kitna mushkil hai.
    It is easy give the sip of patience to others,
    have experience yourself to realize that how the each drop is difficult.

  26. jo sabaq zindagi ky guzarty lamhy sikhata hai na wo sabaq koi school bhi nhi sikha sakhta.

  27. Shak aur khauf, dil ki dunya ko do hison me taqseem kary dety hain.
    Doubt and fear divive the world of heart into two parts.

30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu

20+ Best Quotes about Love in English

Quotes about Love! One of the best Quotes about love in english is here with images and text. In Todays’ world its hard to express your fellings or emotions to their partner becuase the correct use of words are crucial in any one life so to by this point we will give your the most famous and most beautiful words about love.

In this blog we will come up with the most famous Quotes about Love and best Quotes about Love in english with text and images that will help you to express your feelings and emotions to your partner.

Here is the amazing quotes about love in english. Read all quotes and enjoy with your partner with these beautiful words.

Best Quotes About Love || English Quotes on Love || Love Quotes 


Quotes about Love

To Be Afraid That There May Be A Lack Of Respect Is Called Love


Quotes about Love

Exceeding The Limit In Wanting Anyone Is Called Love

Pyar mE Had Guzar jany Ko Ishq kehty hain


Quotes about Love

Love Is Not Giving Up Love
No Matter What Happend

30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Quotes about Love

One Of The Greatest Things About Love Is That It Makes You Used To Worry

Pyar Ki Subsy badi Khoobi Yeh Hai ky yeh apko Ghabrany py makboor karta hai


Quotes about Love

Love Makes A Man A Poet, Even If He Has Never Heard The Name Of Poetry Before.

Pyar Insan Ko Shair Banata Deta hai Chahy Kabi Usny Shayeri ka Naam Bhi Na Suna Ho.


Quotes about Love

Whoever Fell In Love, Dit Not Fall In Live At First Sight.

JUb Bhi kabi Pyar me Padna pur Pehli nazar Me Mat padna

Quotes about Love

In Today’s World It Is A Miracle For True Lovers To Meet.

Aj Kal Ki Dunya Me PYar karny Walon Ka milna Ajbooa Hai


Quotes about Love

How Sad That Even The Most Beautiful Feelings OF Man Are Associated With Money.

Kitny Dukh Ki baat Ha Ky Insan Ki SUbsy Badi KHshi Bhi Pesy Ky sath Judi hai

Quotes about Love

One Hour Of Love Is Better Than 100 Years Of Lovelessness.


Quotes about Love

Love Is Something That Cannot To Be Teacherd or Taughted.


Quotes about Love

If There Is Not A Single Lover Left In The World,
The Sun Will Lose Its Heat.


Quotes about Love

A Person Is Never As Important To Someone As He Thinks.

Quotes about Love

Love Your Enemies Also Because If Your Loved Ones Then It Will Be A Business.


Quotes about Love

One Word Free One From All The Stress And Pain Of LIfe.
And That Word Is Love.


Quotes about Love

Life Deals More Hashly With Those Whose Hearts Are Soft.


Quotes about Love

Believe Me, There Are No Compulsiions,
People Are Not Loyal Out Of Habit.


Quotes about Love

Therea Are A Million Bad Things In Me,
But I Never Got Involved With Anyone For Selfish Reasons.


Quotes about Love

It’s A Strange Show That To Make Someone Realize One’s Own Fellings Have To Be Killed.


Quotes about Love

The Biggest Misconception Of Childhood Was That Bad Things Happen And Life Has Become Very Fun.


Quotes about Love

As Age Passes, We Start Realizing That Our Parents Were Right About Everything.


Quotes about Love

If A Persons Dies, You Gain Pateience, But When A Living Person Dies For You.
You Never Gain Patience.


Quotes about Love

It’s A Strange Show That To Make Someone Realize One’s Own Feelings Have To Be Killed.


Quotes about Love

By Keeping Small Things In Our Hearts We Spoil Our Big Relationships.


Quotes about Love

People Keep Coming And Going But Life Does Not Stop With Someone’s Coming And Going.

Log to Aty JatY Rahengy Pur Kabhi Rukna Mat Kisi kY any jany Sy


Quotes about Love

Hate Doesn’t Get Rid OF Hate, But Love Does.


Quotes about Love

Love Is The Shoots That Are Plained In Hearts And They Bear Fruit accoring To Their Intellects.

100+ Most Famous Quotes of All Time

Famous Quotes! Quotes are the most famous words in today’s world. Since the popularity of words is grown the quotes will be trending.

In this blog i will show you the 100+ Most Famous Quotes of All Time. THese famous quotes are trending nowadays.

Famous Quotes of all time 

Famous Quotes

  1. Whether the path is difficult or easy keep laughing always and never get worried..!!
  2. Who have a lot of options Such people are unable to keep their resolutions..!!

    Famous Quotes

  3. Do any worh with a cool mind becuase Staying calm is what seperates the wiinners from the rest.
  4. Only those will pass in this game of life who survives every difficulty in life Will live openly..!!
  5. Never forget them in life who knew you then when you were nothing..!!
  6. Make fun while it’s still a sad night will show respect to everyone It’s just a matter of a few days..!!

    Famous Quotes

  7. Learn to live life in every moment you will wait for tommorrow Then time will pass..!!
  8. He who knows the trught is not afraid of death death is your destination Life is just a guest for a few days..!!
  9. On life, I am tired now a similar dream Show what can be accomplished..!!
  10. Smiles tell the truth of life look into the eyes, look into the heart You will find only love here..!!
  11. Whether a man’s story is big or not to do somethiing Emotions shoul be big..!!
  12. O Life, this is you pride and what to do with hobbies When we know that if not today then tommorrow eeveryone has to die..!!

    Famous Quotes

  13. If you make someone cry so One day you will have to cry more than that..!!
  14. No matter what life gives us, we feel less. SO be happy with whatever you have..!!
  15. Beausitful relationships flow way life water
    When your own get angry with the life of your own people..!!
  16. Life gives many pains BUT the pains you carry  in your heart from there a new story is written..!!
  17. Bundle of sad memories What’s tha good of making it? this is life man Being happy here is a unique art..!!

    Famous Quotes

  18. Life has no hands, but sometimes it slaps in a way that is remembered for the whole life.
  19. There is nothing more joyous in this life than conqering one’s bad habits.
  20. Life can only be understood by looking backwards, but it must be lived forwards.
  21. It is not the length of life but the depth that matters.
  22. To enjoy lilfe, the most important thins is that you should be happy, that is all that matters.

    Famous Quotes

  23. The most difficult task in life is to decide which bridge to cross and which bridge to destroy.
  24. The biggest truth of life is that you do not know what is going to happen tomorrow.
  25. The art of life is to know how to enjoy a little and endure a lot.
  26. Very few thinga required to create a happy life. IT all lies withing you, in the way you think.
  27. Good friends, good books and a depp conscience this is  the ideal life.
  28. If you love your life, life will love you back.
  29. Only when we are satified with our life can we live it happy.
  30. The art of living is all about taking a good swing and having the ability to let go and hold on.
  31. Quality of life is about finding the right happy balance between work and friends and family.
  32. Spend less time examining life and more time living it.
  33. Life is full of joy, spend every moment happily.
  34. Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks in it.
  35. Development is the only proof of life.
  36. The purpose of life is that life be full of purpose.
  37. Every person dies but not every person is able to actually live life properly.
  38. The easiest way to live life is to always live jsut for today.
  39. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
  40. The main aim of our life is to be happy.
  41. Life consists not in holding good cards, but in the game you hold will.
  42. The most imporatnt thing is to enjoy your life, that;s all the matters to be happy.
  43. Life is like a trumpet if you don’t put somethins into it, yo get nothing out of it.
  44. Only a life lived for others is meaningful.
  45. Life is growth, if er strop growing technically and spirirtuallyu, we are dead.
  46. Everythins has been figured out, except how to live.
  47. It takes help your life before you discover life.

    Most Famous Quotes about Life
    Famous Quotes

  48. Life should be struggle of wills toward adventure whose nobility will fertilize the sould.
  49. Life has all its peaks and valleys. Don’t keep the peaks too high and the valleys too low.
  50. For me, if life boild down to one thing, it’s movement. If you want to live, you have to keep moving.30 Best Quotes about life in urdu30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu
  51. Life is imitates art better than art.
  52. Life is a moderately good play with a badly written.
  53. Life is a succession of moments, each one has to be successful.
  54. What a wonderful life I have lived! I only wish I’d realized it sooner.
  55. The most important thing is to enjoy your lilfe, to be happy, that’s all that matters.
  56. Life is the art of drawing adequate conclusions from an adequate home.
  57. The greatest happiness of life is love.
  58. Life is too short to work hard.
  59. Life is too short and we have to do what we have to do now.
  60. The most satifying thins in life is being able to give large pasts of oneself to others.
  61. Life is one long lesson in huminity.
  62. The main danger in life is that you can be too careful.
  63. I have begun to think of life as a series of waves expanding from an origing center.
  64. If you have love life, don’t waster time, create life from time.
  65. The man who has no inner life is a slave to his sorroundings.
  66. variety is the piece of lice, which gives it its flavor.
  67. Pain and deatrh are part of life. To reject them is to reject life.
  68. There is nothing more precious than life, especially your child’s life.
  69. If we want to change our lives, we need to expand our minds.
  70. Start living in such a way that each seperate day counts as seperate life.
  71. If we want to change our lives, we need to expand our minds.
  72. The path of our life should be right becuase sometimes the destination is ound in the paths.
  73. I’m trying to follow whatever path life wants, me to take.
  74. I am looking for some peace, although life has given me a lot.

    Read more: BEst Quotes about life in urdu

30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Islamic Quotes in Urdu! in this blog we will cover the Quotes about life, Quotes about succes, Struggle Quotes, Islamic Quotes, and Life Islamic Quotes in Urdu.

If you are looking for a something new that encourage you to set your life in right direction. Words are the most powerfull waepon in the world that can change the life of person from rich to poor and poor to rich. so the use of words very crucial language.

In todays world to become a successful person is neccesssary to understand and read the quotes of successfull persons. Languages are the tool for quotes Urdu langugae is mostly used language for quotes.


Islamic Quotes in Urdu about Success

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Hum taleem khareed sakhty hai, lekin aqul khuda ka ata karda tuhfa hai. (Sadar Hasan Minto)

“We can buy education but intelligence is a gift given by God.”


Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Aqalman shakhs wo hai jo anjam soch kar kaam kary. (Hazrat Ali)

“A wise person is a person who works with the end in mind.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Musibat agar insan ko dolatmand nahi to aqalmand zaroor bana deti hai.

“Adversity makes a man wise if not rich.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Aqalmand apny aib khud dekhta hai or bewaquf ky aib dunya dekhti hai. (Shaikh Saadi)

“A wise man sees his own faults and the world sees the faults of a fool.”

Read more: 20+ Best Ramadan Quotes 

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

insan ky liye wahi kuch hai, jiski ky liye wo koshish kary. (Al Quran).

“For man is that which he strives for.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Mehnet itni khamoshi sy karo ky dunya tumhari kamyabi sy show macha dy.

“Work so quietly that your success makes noise.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Badi manzilo ky musafir chota dil nahi rakhty. (Wasif ali wasif)

“Travelers of great destinations are not small-hearted.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Zara num ho to yeh mitti badi zarkhex hai saki. (Allama Iqbal)

“If is it slightly moist, this soil is very fertile.”

Life Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Zindagi khud rasty banati hai, Rasty zindagi nahi banaty. (Saadat hassan mintu)

“Life itself makes paths, paths do not make life.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Zindagi riyazi ky sawal nahi jiska jawab maloom ho sakhy.  (Wasif Ali Wasif)

“Life is not a mathematical question that can be answered.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Zindagi jabar musalsal ki tarah kati hai, jany kis juram ki paye hai saza yaad nahi. (Sagar Siddique)

Life is cut like constant oppression, I don’t know what crime I have been punished for.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Zindagi hai ya koi tufan hai.

“It’s life or there’s a storm.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu about Struggle

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Waqt acha bhi aye ga Kamran, gum na kary zindagi padi hai abhi.

“Good time will come, Kamran, don’t be said, life is now”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Waqt to waqt pur badalta hai lekin insan kisi bhi waqt badal sakhta hai.

“Time changes from time but man can change at any time.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Mushkil waqt sabhi pur aata hai, koi bikhar jata hai koi nikhar jata hai.

“Hard times come to everyone, some break down, some flourish.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Waqt, Aitbar, aur Izzat aisy parindy hai ko ad jaye to wapis nahi aaty.

“Time, trust and honor are birds that fly and nevers come back.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Mangi hui muhbaat ka mazza bigdi hui sharab jesa hota hai. (Bano qudsiya)

“Unsolicited love tastes like spoiled wine.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Sitaron sy aagy jahan aur bhi hai abhi ishq ky imtehan aur bhi hai.

“There are other places beyond that star, therea re still more tests of love.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Zameen ky safar me agar koi cheez asmani hai to wo muhabbad hai.

“If anythins is heavenly in the jouney of earth, It is love.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Muhabbat len dain nahi muhabat sirf denn hai. (Mumtaz Mufti)

“Love is not transaction, love is only religion.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Har us dost pur bharosa karo jo mushkil me tumhary kaam aya ho. (Hazrat Ali)

Trust every friend who has come to your aid in times of trouble.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Rishty nibhany ka zaraf na ho to rishty banany sy purhaiz karain.

“If you don’t have the capacity to have a relationship, avoid making a realtionship.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Ten rishty ten waqton men pehchany jaty hai, Aulad budhapy me, biwi gurbat me, dost musibat me.

“Three realtionships are recognized in three periods, Children in old age, wife in poverty, friends in trouble.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Achy Logon ka milna hi achy mustaqbil ki zamanat hai.

“Meeting good people is the guarantee of a good future.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Kisi rishty ko kitni bhi muhabat sy bandha jaye lekin agar izzat aur lihaz chala jaye to muhabbat bhi chali jati hai.

“No mattter how much love is attached to a relationship, if the respect and consideration goes away, the love also goes away.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Bury dost sy bacho esa na ho ky wo tumhara taruf ban jaye. (Imam Malik)

“Beware of a nad friend lest he become your introduction.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Samjahdar admi nazar hamehsa nichi aur niyat kharab rakhta hai. (Mushtaq Ahmed Yousfi)

“A wise man always looks low and has bad intentions.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Muhabbat insan ko andha kar phir shadi yeh binaye lautati hai. (Dr. Muhammad Younis But).”

“Love makes a man blind and then marriage restores this sight.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Khawand ky liye biwi ko samjhna koi mushkil nahi, beshartiyah wo dusry ki ho. (Dr. Muhammad Younis But)

“It is not difficult for a husband to understand his wife, provided she belongs to another.”

Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Ishq ek marz hai aur jub tak taul na pakdy, murz nahi hota. Mahaz ek mazak hota hai. (Sadat Hassan Minto)

“Love is a disease and until it lasts, it is not a disease. Just a joke.”

50+ Quotes about Success in English

Quotes about Success, If you want to find inspiration on success through words, then the best way is to read Quotes abut success. Quotes are the most readable thing for inspiration in today’s world.

Quotes about Success

In this blog we will explore the Motivation Quotes about Success that will charge you to achieve your goals. If your are seeking for the boost up or productivity in your goals achieving career then this post is very helpful for you.

Quotes about Success

“Failure is key to success.”

Quotes about Success

“If you are not afraid to lose, So no one can beat you.”

Quotes about Success

“Success favors the brave.”

Read more: 30 Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Quotes about Success

“Mistakes are made by those who work hard. The life of the unlucky is spent in finding out the mistakes of others.”

Also Read: 20+ Motivational Quotes in English


Quotes about Success

“Your success is your own hidden in trust.

Quotes about Success

“We have to believe in ourselves because if we don’t believe in ourselves, how will the world do?”

Quotes about Success

“A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.”

Quotes about Success

“If you fail, you are just one step away from greatest success.”

Quotes about Success

“The difference between success and failure is I can’t do it and I can do it.”

Quotes about Success

“Success is not built of success. Success is built by failures.”

Quotes about Success

“Your destination is there as long as you don’t give up.”

Quotes about Success

“Failure is an inescapable part of life and a critically important part of any successful life.”


Quotes about Success

“Failure gives more knowledge the success. Failure is building block of your character.”

Quotes about Success

“The problem is not the situation thoughts arise.”

Quotes about Success

“If you want to understand life, look back and if life is to be lived, look ahead.”

Quotes about Success

“Success is walking through failure.”

Quotes about Success

“If you want to shine like the sun, First learn to burn like the sub.”

Quotes about Success

“Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.”

Quotes about Success

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; It if the courage to continue that counts.”

Quotes about Success

“If you want to dreams to come true of first you have to wake up.”

Quotes about Success

“A great work can only be done by that person Who agrees to do a small job.”

Quotes about Success

“Don’t look at the day as what you found Rather, think about what you sowed today.”

Quotes about Success

“Man always learns through suffering Even old lessons are forgotten in happiness.”


Quotes about Success

“Work so quietly Success makes noise.”

Quotes about Success

“The past cannot be changed But the present and the future are still in our hands.”


Quotes about Success

“Those who have the courage to walk alone One day there are caravans behind them.”

Quotes about Success

“No matter how high the goals are Paths are always underfoot.”


Quotes about Success

‘Begin each day with a new determination and good intentions to do good deeds.”


Quotes about Success

“Acknowledge life’s greatest challenge and commit to doing great work on it.”


Quotes about Success

“Never underestimate the expectations of your dreams, but de determined to achieve them.”


Quotes about Success

“We have to believe in ourselves because if we don’t believe in ourselves, how will the world do?”


Quotes about Success

“Nevers give up, because failure is the first step to success.”


Quotes about Success

“No moment of life is spoiled, but our thinking spoils us.”

Quotes about Success

“Everyday is a new beginning and it has new opportunities, we just have to recognize them.”

Quotes about Success

“Adopt life’s greatest challenge and resolve to do great work on it.”


Quotes about Success

“Every problem has a solution; you just need the strength to solve it.”

Quotes about Success

“It’s time to make dreams come true.”

Quotes about Success

“The most important principle of life: Pay attention, Not the outcome, but the effort matters.”

Quotes about Success

“Think, understand, and then act.”

Quotes about Success

“There is victory only after defeat.”

Quotes about Success

“Luck comes when you need yourself.”

Quotes about Success

“Those who try never give up, but they succeed in trying.”

Quotes about Success

“Life is a journey, and we should live it to the fullest.”

Quotes about Success

“Everything start with a good initial intention.”

Quotes about Success

“Defeat teaches a lesson, and victory leads to a great destination.”

Quotes about Success

“Never turn back in the paths of life, for there is no straight path behind.”

Quotes about Success

‘The first step towards achieving any goal is good intentions.”

Quotes about Success

“Before every destiny, raise yourself up, ask the servant of God himself, tell him what is your please.”

Quotes about Success

“Life is a journey, and every journey has lessons.”


Quotes about Success

“We halt to walk with strength; if you wish, you can shake the whole world.”


Also Read: 20+ Motivational Quotes in English

20+ Best Motivational Quotes in English

Motivational Quotes. when it comes to the Power then the power of words can holds anything. That’s why we say that the “The pen is mightier than the sword.” it’s true. Words inspire anyone in the world and inspires many to beat any kind of challenges in their lives.

Motivational Quotes in English

Words are called the most powerful weapon from the beginning but some words can destroy someone’s lives and some words inspires and helps other to reach their live goal and compete in world of challenges.

If you feels bad or you have some bad things in your mind about life goals then, I will suggest you to read these best motivational quotes to tackle your brain in the right path. these words are comes from the world top authors, and actors that are  already successful in their lives and reached their goals and complete their challenges. These words give a best motivation to resume your correct path.

If you are looking for such kind of motivational quotes then here is the list below. These words can change your way of thinking.


Motivational Quotes in English

When it Comes to luck,

You make your own.


Motivational Quotes in English

To bring about change, you must

not be afraid to take the first step.

we will fail when we fail to try.


Motivational Quotes in English

You can’t turn back the clock,

But you can wind it up again.

Read more: 30 Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu


Motivational Quotes in English

A problem is a chance for you to do your best.


Motivational Quotes in English

If you’re having fun, that’s when

the best memories are built.


Motivational Quotes in English

Try to a rainbow in someone’s cloud


Motivational Quotes in English

It is never too late to be what you might have been.


Motivational Quotes in English

Give light and people will find the way.


Motivational Quotes in English

If you risk nothing, then you risk everything.


Motivational Quotes in English

When you have a dream you’ve got

to grab it and never let go.


Motivational Quotes in English

You are never too old to set another goal

or to dream a new dream.


Motivational Quotes in English

You are never too old to set a another goal

or to dream a new dream.


Motivational Quotes in English

Life shrinks or expands in proportion t’ one’s courage.


Motivational Quotes in English

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.


Motivational Quotes in English

Your self-worth is determined by you.

You don’t have to depend on someone telling you and how you are.


Motivational Quotes in English

Nothing is impossible. The word

itself say’s ‘I’m possible!


Motivational Quotes in English

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.


Motivational Quotes in English

Champions keep playing until they get it right.


Motivational Quotes in English

Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do.

Where these is love and inspiration, i don’t think you can go wrong.


Motivational Quotes in English

If is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

 Motivational Quotes in English

Believe you can and you’re halfway there.


Motivational Quotes in English

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.


Motivational Quotes in English

When you put love out in the world it travels,

and it can touch people and reach people in ways

that we never even expected.


Motivational Quotes in English

Definitions belongs to the definers, not the defined.


Motivational Quotes in English

Your Story is what you have, What you will always have.

It is something to own.


Motivational Quotes in English

It’s toxic desire to try to be perfect.

I realized later in life that the challenge is not to be perfect.
It’s to be whole.


Motivational Quotes in English

No matter how far away from yourself you may

have strayed, there is always a path back.

You already know who you are and how to fulfill you destiny.


Motivational Quotes in English

Never allow a person to tell you no

who doesn’t have the power to say yes.


Motivational Quotes in English

Your have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

You’re on your own.

And you know what you know.

And you are the guy who’ll decide where to go.