200+ Most Famous Success Quotes in English

Success Quotes! In this blog we will give you the most famous Success Quotes in english that will help you to achive your goals in life. Success Quotes are the best way to polishing your road to goals of your life. SO in this blog we will come up with the most famous Success Quotes in english.

Words are the most powerfull weapon in the world. So also the quotes are trending day by day beucase we humans only not path in our goals road but we also need some motivation about success or goals inn our life so that’s why quotes are used for this motivations.

SO in this blog we wil come with the most famous Success Quotes in English.

Success Quotes | Quotes about Success | Life Quotes

Success Quotes

Here is most famous Success Quotes in English

  1. Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.
  2. Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
  3. Self-belief and hard work will always earn your success.
  4. if you want success, you have to start acting, feeling and being successful.
  5. Failure is successful if we learn from it.
  6. put your heart mind and soul into even you smallest acts, this is the secret of success.
  7. believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.
  8. Optimism is the one quality more associates with success and happiness than any other.
  9. Develop success from failure. Discouragement and failure are two of the secret stepping stones to success.
  10. 30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu
  11. Nothing is impossible, the word itself say I’m possible.
  12. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
  13. success is a journey not a destination.
  14. If you can’t find a way, create one.
  15. Keep you face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.
  16. Success is a lousy teacher. it seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.
  17. The future depends on what you do today.
  18. If you can’t handle stress you can’t manage success.
  19. Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
  20. success does not consist inn never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.
  21. success is the sum of all efforts, repeated day in the day out.
  22. hardships, heartbreaks, and hustle are the growth phase of success.
  23. Successful people never worry about what others are doing.
  24. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. if you love what are doing you will be successful.
  25. Try not to become a man of success. But rather try to become a man of value.
  26. Work hard ini silence, let your success be the notice.
  27. Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life, it’s about what you inspire others to do.
  28. If you can change your mind, you can change your life.
  29. No matters how bad you are, just never give up.
  30. if you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun.
  31. Success is not about perfection it’s about progress.
  32. Failure is not the opposite of success; it is part of success.
  33. Focus on your goal.
  34. The only way to stay ahead is to keep an eye on the competition.
  35. Success can only be achieved those who have the habit of never giving up on their efforts.
  36. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. if you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
  37. Never show your weakness to the world, because the world is much interested to with it.
  38. Believe in your ability to achieve great success. keep pushing forward.
  39. Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
  40. Trying is better than crying.
  41. Optimizing is the faith that leads to achievement. nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
  42. Good things take time be patient.
  43. Reading is the most important key to success.
  44. There are not secrets to success.
  45. The ladder of success is never crowded at the top.
  46. Success i s not determined with praises or prizes, it is the satisfaction that you gave your best.
  47. You learn more failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure build character.
  48. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagines.
  49. Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.
  50. Failures are part of life, If you don’t fail, you don’t learn. If you don’t learn you’ll never change.
  51. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
  52. One day, all of your hard work will pay off.
  53. The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way.
  54. IT takes nothing to join the crowd, it takes everything to stand alone.
  55. Education is required in all walks of life, let us study well as education is the key to success.
  56. Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
  57. Believing in you self is the first secret to success.
  58. Action is the foundational key to all success.
  59. Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.
  60. Leave from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
  61. Success is a journey not a destination.
  62. How important is it to be successful? Preparing for success is more important than that.
  63. Courage allows the successful woman to fail and learn powerful lessons from the failure. SO that in the end, she didn’t fail at all.
  64. The only place where success comes before work in the dictionary.
  65. Don’t compare you self with others. Just compare your today with your yesterday. if there is an important that’s your achievement.
  66. To be, or not to be, that is the question.
  67. Your success will be determined by your own confidence and attitude.
  68. Success is a lousy teacher. it seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.
  69. When you take risks, you learn that there will be times when you succeed, and there will be times when you fail, and both are equally important.
  70. Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals that human spirit.
  71. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated.
  72. When our signature changes to autographs this marks the success.
  73. Successful persons never do big things; they do small things in extra ordinary way.
  74. I can accept failure; everyone fails at something. But i can’t accept not trying.
  75. Famous Quotes | Success Quotes

  76. I never dreamed about success. i worked for it.
  77. My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive.
  78. One day it’ll all make sense,
  79. The only way to stay ahead is to keep an eye on the competition.
  80. Keep you face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.
  81. stay silent let your actions seek.
  82. Applause wait on success.
  83. Failure is a step of success.
  84. Success is not final failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
  85. Clarity presides success.
  86. Don’t wait for opportunity create it.
  87. Believe, Achieve Succeed.
  88. An ounce of patience is worth more than a tons of preaching.
  89. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you figure out why.
  90. Success does not lie in results, but in effort being the best is not so important doing the best is all that matters.
  91. If you set your goals ridiculously high it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success.
  92. The pain will not go away by getting angry or bitter. It will go away when you learn to accept life’s challenges with grace and ease.
  93. Self-belief and hard work will always earn your success,
  94. The more you sweat in training the less you blear in combat.
  95. True success is when Allah is pleased with you.
  96. Failure is success in progress.
  97. Being happy is the greatest form of success.
  98. Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.
  99. Remember why you started.
  100. Life is a long lesson in humility.
  101. There are two choices for success, first you need to begin, then you continue.
  102. Success Quotes | Quotes about Struggle

  103. There is nothing impossible to they who will try.
  104. The road to success is always under construction.
  105. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, for they are the stepping stones on success.
  106. Self-Discipline is self-caring.
  107. If you dream of success make sure you are awake.
  108. Success takes time and when you get it. Your happiness starts touching the sky.
  109. Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.
  110. The key success is not avoiding failure but having the right attitude when you face it.
  111. Money and success don’t change people they merely amplify what is already there.
  112. This is the sigh you’ve been looking for.
  113. Your attitude is like a price tag. it shows how valuable you are.
  114. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.
  115. Change the world by being you self.
  116. Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work lead to success. Greatness will come.
  117. the only dreams impossible to reach are the ones you never pursue.
  118. Success is a journey not a destination.
  119. Success doesn’t just come and find you, you have to go out and get it.
  120. The secret to success is to know something nobody else knows.
  121. A good education can change anyone. A good teacher can change everything.
  122. No one has travels the bridge of success with our ever crossing the streets of failures.
  123. Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.
  124. Education is the key to unlocking the world. it is the passport to freedom.
  125. Your direction is more important than your speed.
  126. You have to dream before your dreams can come true.
  127. All power is within you, you can do anything and everything.
  128. Some people dream of success while other people get up everything morning and make it happen.
  129. Success is not a milestone it’s a never ending race for perfection.
  130. Success is best when it’s shared.
  131. My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive.
  132. Success means doing the best we can with what we have.
  133. The mind is everything what you think you become.
  134. Self-belief and hard-work will always earn your success.
  135. If you try a dose, then it isn’t your fault. But if you don’t try and lose. then it’s all you fault.
  136. Success is the best revenge against those who doubted you.
  137. The first step is you have to see you can.
  138. All birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds.
  139. Success Nothing is easy when you’re lazy but everything is easy when you are crazy.
  140. Success comes is cans not cant’s.
  141. Challenges risks will make you crave for more success.
  142. Success is the child of audacity.
  143. The way to achieve your own success is to be willing to help somebody else get it first.
  144. Success is the space one occupies in the newspaper. Success is one day’s insolence.
  145. Some people dream of success while others wale up and work hard for it.
  146. Success is a journey not a destination.
  147. Success takes time.
  148. The start of a journey should never be mistaken for success.
  149. Success will come in search of you as you in your position.
  150. Happiness is not something readymade. IT comes from your own actions.
  151. Surround yourself with people who challenge you, teach you, and push you to be your best self.
  152. Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.
  153. Give in hope before you give up your confidence so that you will have hope of getting your confidence back.
  154. Positive self-discipline.
  155. When we find anything according to our wish, gives immense happiness to us.
  156. Success Quotes | Quotes about goals

  157. You always pass failure on the way to success.
  158. Formula for success rise easily work hard stake oil.
  159. Dear me, i will make you proud one day.
  160. Life is made of ever so many parings welded together.
  161. For me, money is not my definition of success. Inspiring people is a definition of success.
  162. Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.
  163. Never dream for success but work for it.
  164. Feel like quitting remember why you started.
  165. Love your job but don’t love your company. because you may not know when your company stops loving you.
  166. Success is not in reaching the destination, but in making the journey.
  167. Fear of failure is much worse than failure itself.
  168. When your heart breaks your brain start working.
  169. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.
  170. Don’t read success stories, you will only get a message. Read failures stories, you will get some ideas to get success.
  171. Surround yourself with people who challenge you, teach you, and push you to be your best self.
  172. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.
  173. Believe in your heart and miracle will happen.
  174. life is short don’t be lazy.
  175. Success with negative attitude is called luck. Success with positive attitude is called achievement.
  176. Success is the inspirational gift of the series of failures.
  177. Success begins with positive attitude.
  178. Education is one thing no one can take away from you.
  179. Do not give up until you are alive, one day you will definitely be at the peak of success.
  180. Don’t watch the clock do what it does keep doing.
  181. Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
  182. Nothing succeeds like success.
  183. The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, the willingness to learn is a choice.
  184. The future belongs to those.
  185. self-confidence is the memory of success.
  186. Success is to be happy in life.
  187. work hard, stay disciplined and be patient. you time will come.
  188. Everyone says don’t judge me but everyone does.
  189. Communication, the human connection, is the key to personal and career success.
  190. Failure is not the opposite of success it is part.
  191. Success is achieved and maintained.
  192. Don’t just make money, make a difference.
  193. Successful people never worry about what others are doing.
  194. Success should be always being just beyond your grasp.
  195. The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope. Love of the past implies faith in the future.
  196. Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.
  197. The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way.
  198. Success is virulent. Once you get the bug then it’s in you.
  199. Success is living your essence.
  200. Try not to become a man of success, but rather become a man of value.
  201. Success is like an iceberg; nobody sees the work that comprises it.
  202. You are the creator of your own destiny.
  203. Life is like a riding a bicycle. TO keep your balance, you must keep moving.
  204. No one goes through life unscathed,
  205. Success becomes a matter of momentum, once you get a little, it’s easier to keep it going.
  206. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
  207. The maximum success is reached when you are never busy.
  208. A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That’s why they don’t get what they want.
  209. You’ll never achieve real success unless you like what you’re doing.
  210. Success is the result of perfection hard work leaving from failure loyalty and persistence.
  211. He that can have patience can have what he will.
  212. A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.
  213. Work hard, stay disciplined and be patient. Your time will come.
  214. The world is full of dangers and you have to fight alone.
  215. Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Greatness will come.
  216. Be the reason someone smiles today.
  217. Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress working together is success.
  218. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.
  219. The road to success is always construction.
  220. Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.
  221. Each day provides its own gifts.
  222. Fear of failures is what stopes you from experiencing failure or success.

in this blog we show you above Success Quotes that wiill help you to approach your goals in your life. SO what about you want to say for our this article of Success Quotes.

Success Quotes | Success Quotes | Success Quotes | Success Quotes

100+ Most Famous Motivational Quotes of All Time

Famous Motivational Quotes | In this blog i will give you the Most Famous Motivational Quotes of all time that willl inspire you at every moment of life. These Famous Motivational Quotes are very helpful for you to achieve your goals without any problem.

Famous Motivational Quotes are the powerfull words that can change any thing in the world. here you will get the Famous Motivational Quotes, inpiration quotes in english, happines quotes in english, struggle quotes in english.

Famous Motivational Quotes

Famous Motivational Quotes | Happiness Quotes in English | Life Quotes in English

  1. Believe in yourself and the world will be at you feet.
  2. Raise you words, not voice. it is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.
  3. You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.
  4. And do good, indeed Allah loves the doers of good.
  5. I’ve always wanted to be a women who isn’t afraid to tell her story.
  6. Self-love is necessary for a functional and successful life.
  7. We may have our differences, but nothing’s more imporant than family.
  8. You have to keep breaaking you heart. Until it opens.
  9. Knowledge without action is meaningless.
  10. Neighter in this world nor elsewhere is there any happiness is store for hum who alwats doubts.
  11. The meaning of life is that it stopes.
  12. Patience is a pillar of faith.
  13. You can not satisfy all you desires, otherwise you will lose.
  14. Do not lose hope, not be sad.
  15. I didn’t choose you, my heart did.
  16. I can’t tell where the journey will end but i know where to start.
  17. Among the blind, one eyed man is king.
  18. Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receieve it.
  19. Be and it is, his command is only when hi intends a thing that he says to it, be and it is.
  20. 30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu
  21. Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.
  22. Beauty begings the moment you decided to be youself.
  23. Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.
  24. SOme are the born great, some achieve greatness, and some greatness thrust upon them.
  25. A book is a gift you can open again and again.
  26. Life is all about respective.
  27. Seek solitude and find youself.
  28. Either i will come back after hoisting the tricolor,or i will come back wrapped in it,
  29. You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.
  30. Sometimes you break you heart to save your soul.
  31. Belive Achieve Succeed.
  32. Peace begins with a smile.
  33. English is no longer an english language now grows from many roots.
  34. remove the conflict between your desires and your duties, peace will come.

  35. Famous Motivational Quotes | Success Quotes in English 
  36. I felt so much that i started to feel nothing.
  37. All birds find shelter during a rain, but eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds.
  38. Silence is the garden of thought.
  39. There’s no better friend than a sister.
  40. One mistake of patience, ten years of peace.
  41. If you find someone you love in you life, then hang on to that love.
  42. Depression is being color blind and constanty told how colorful the worlds is.
  43. Once you choose hope, anythig’s possible.
  44. A problem share is a problem halved.
  45. Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.
  46. Keep you face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
  47. i like work, it fascinates me. i can sit and look at it for hours.
  48. Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
  49. The morning is a blank canvas, paint something beautiful.
  50. Some people hurt by words, some by action & some by silence. But the
  51. biggest hurt is that someone ignoring us whewn we value them a lot.
  52. Life is better with true friends.
  53. Words, without power, is mere philosophy.
  54. love is an endless act of sacrifice.
  55. There are so many beautiful reasongs to be happy.
  56. Mountains are the beginning and end of all natural scenery.
  57. The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops.
  58. A wise man among the ignorant is as a beautiful girl in the company of blind men.
  59. Even it is covered by Dirt or Dust, Money is valuable, Money is worthy.
  60. A mother’s love is like no other.
  61. The big secret in life is that there is no secret whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.
  62. It’s the will not the skill
  63. There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some resonn in madness.
  64. In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.
  65. DO one thing at a time, and while doing it put your whole soul into it to the exclusion of all else.
  66. When you don’t give up, you cannot fail.
  67. WHen you’re happy you enjoy the music, when you’re sad you understad the lyrics.
  68. Everything that i see and do reminds me of him, I wish i could erase all of his memories.
  69. I love that you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night.
  70. I the end, promisesa are just words.
  71. Make moves in silence, success will make the noise.
  72. It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.
  73. Read good boook daily and improve your knowledge.
  74. No matter where you go, you will always be in my heart.
  75. Success consists in moving from faiure to failure without loss of enthusiaml.
  76. Sometimes, the person you want most is the person you’re best without.
  77. Famous Motivational Quotes | Happy Life Quotes in English

  78. I’m not superstitious but i am a little stitious.
  79. Even if a snake is not pooisonous it should pretend to be venemous.
  80. Life should be great, rather than long.
  81. You make every moment special for me and i have no words to thankyou.
  82. It hurts a leave a light on for nobody.
  83. I am a man and all that affects mankind concerns me.
  84. But inner experience is only one source of human knowledge.
    You are stronger than you think.
  85. The farmer has to be a optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.
  86. Wishing you a birthday that’s just as wonderful as you are.
    I need tha pain to know i still exist.
  87. Cry, Forgive, Learn, Move onm Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.
  88. Be someone’s strength. Be someone’s inpiration. Be someone’s Reason to never give up.
  89. Pain changes people, some become rude and some become silent.
  90. One small positive thought in the morning can change.
    A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.
  91. Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.
  92. Each time i hear your vo
  93. ice, i feel loved, you are the best.
  94. Pain changes people, some become rude. and some become silent.
  95. Love is like firefly, it glows for a moment then it’s gone.
  96. Being sad with the right people is better than being happy with the wrong one’s
  97. Each time i hear your voice i feel loved. You are the best.
  98. With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing
  99. worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
  100. I’m not a perfect person, i make a lot of mistake but it really appreciates. Those people who stayes with me after knowing who i really am.
  101. Forgetting you, i tried but i faild, somehow your scent and your face forever in my heart are engraved,
  102. Love is how you sty alive, even after you are gone.
  103. The only thing i’m committed to right now is bettering myself.

100+ Most Famous Quotes of All Time in English

Most Famous Quotes| In this blog we will provide you the Most Famous Quotes of all time in english. Here you will get the Most Famous Quotes and english quotes of all time.

Most Famous Quotes

Most Famous Quotes | Famous Quotes | Best Quotes of All Time

  1. The key to success is not avoifing failure but havinng the right attitude when you face it.
  2. Those who don’t understand you silence, Will never understands your words.
  3. love comes to you when you are not realy for it. And Leaves when you need it most.
  4. Nothing is impossible. The word itself says that I’m Possible.
  5. life comes from the earth and life returns to the earth.
  6. Every morning you have two choices, continue to sleef with you dreams/
    or wake up and chase them.
  7. If you can’t find a way. Create one.
  8. Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
  9. TO have another languages to possess a second soul.
  10. You only live once, but it you do it right once is enough.
  11. Education is the most powerfull weapong which you can use to change the world.
  12. Keep it SHort & simple.
  13. Each person must live their life as a model for anoher.
  14. The Future depends on what we do in the present.
  15. The English language is simply not logical. It is strong free, and beautiful.
  16. If you know your strength the world is yours.
  17. Life is short, spend it with people who bring out the best in you, not the worst in you.
  18. Lif eis made of ever so many partings welded together.
  19. The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.
  20. Patience, Persistence and Perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.
  21. If you want to shine life a sun, first burn life a sun.
  22. Develop success from failures, Discouragement and failulre two of the surect steping strones to success.
  23. I do believe something very magival can happen when you read a good book.
  24. 30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu
  25. The way i see it, if you wantthe rainbnow, you gotta put up with the rain.
  26. Perfection is not attainable. But if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
  27. It hursts the most when the person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel
  28. so unwanted today.
  29. Happiness is a stage of mind. It’s just according to the way you look at the things.
  30. Thoughts in English to start you daily right.
  31. Yoga is the jounery of the self through the self, to the self.
  32. If you have the courage, it’s impossible to lose.
  33. I believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don’t intend to waste any of mine.
  34. Beings positive in a negative situation is not naive. it’s leadership
  35. 30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu
  36. Ask no questions and hear no lies.
  37. Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other.
  38. TOday is a struggle, Tommorr is hope. The future belongs to those who kee[ps trying.
  39. It hurst to let go, but sometimes it hurst more to hold on.
  40. Making friends is easy, ut keepings in touch with them for long time is extremely difficult.
  41. Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life, it’s abou what you inpire others to do.
  42. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

    Most Famous Quotes | English Quotes | Amazing Quotes of All Time

  43. embrnace the challenges as opportuinitees for growth, for they are the stepping stones to
  44. success.
  45. Being happy is the greaest form of success.
  46. If you want to be stones learn to enjoy being alone.
  47. I grow happier with every moment spent by your side.
  48. Self-Disciplane is self-caring.
  49. THe heart was made to be broken.
  50. Education’s purpose is to repalce an empty mind with an open one.
  51. Education is the most powerful wapong which you can use to change the world.
  52. The expert in anything was once begineer.
  53. Sleep is a mirror of the life in whicih can be seen the reflection of death.
  54. Life is a long lesson in huminity.
  55. Change the world by being youself.
  56. Try not to become a man of success, but rather become a man of value.
  57. Education is the passport to the future for tommorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
  58. I will not lose, for even in defeat, there’s valuable lesson learned, so it evens up for me.
  59. There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.
  60. A person who never made a mistake neve tried anything new.
  61. Take my hand, take my whole life> for I can’t falp falling in love with you.
  62. For the great doesn’t happen through impluse alone, and is a succession of little things that are brought together.
  63. Shakespeare’s taught me that thee are more words in english language that i have got in my head.,.
  64. The light of compassion immluminates the shadows of suffering.
  65. knowing what must be done does away with fear.
  66. Life isn’t about finding youself. Life is about creating yourself.
  67. There is no substiture for hard work.
  68. THe world is ancient, but it has not lost its newness.
  69. If the family were a boat, it would be a canoe that makes no progress unless everyone paddles.
  70. Beauty is everywhere You only have to look see it.
  71. Success is the sum of all efforts, repeated day in & day oil. look deep into nature and you will understand everything better.
    Most Famous Quotes | Happy Quotes | Education Quotes 
  72. A friend is one soul abiding in two bodies.
  73. A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
  74. Every flower must grow throught dirt.
  75. Education is the vaccine of violence.
  76. How important is it to be successful? prepering for success is more important than that.
  77. The sadness will last forever.
  78. Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a positive attitude while waiting.
  79. What good is an idea if it reminds an idea? try experiment iterate. Fail try again change the world.
  80. knowing what must be done does away with fear.
  81. Live with no exxcuses with no regrets.
  82. Sometimes, the pain runs too deep to be healded by words alone unknown.
  83. Getting hurt is not a big deal it’s a big thing to mistake to msile when you’re hurt.
  84. You ask me if i keep a noteboook to record my great ideas. I h’ve only ever had one.
  85. Most heart-touching deep love quotes for him.
  86. When our signature changes to autograph this marks the success.
  87. Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions. never know too much to learn something new.
  88. Wealth is not about having a lot of money, it’s about having a lot of options.
  89. Love your job but don’t love your company, because you may not know when your company stops loving you.
  90. The beauty of Quran is that you cannot change it’s message, but Quran can change you.
    Most Famous Quotes | Best Quotes | Sad Quotes of All Time
  91. Be aware of you own worth, use all of you power to achieve it.
  92. THere is nothing impossible to they who will try.
  93. To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.
  94. On life, patience, love, death, silence & knowledge
  95. Keep on going never give up.
  96. Life is a journye make the most out of it.
  97. Time changes everything except somoething within us which is always surprised by change.
  98. Zero is supposed too be nothing but works wonders it on the right slide.
  99. Collect moments not things.
  100. i think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want.
  101. A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.
  102. And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not befcome divided.
  103. Don’t trust everyone because sugar or salt btoh have some colours.
  104. And do good, indeed ALlah loves the doers of good.
  105. I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.

30+ Most Famous Quotes in English & Hindi

Famous Quotes in English ! in this blog we will come up with the most famous Famous Quotes in English and hindi. Famous Quotes in English is here in this blog. if you want more Famous Quotes in English  that this website is very helpful for you.

Famous Quotes in English | Quotes in Hindi | QUotes in English

Famous Quotes in English, Quotes are the most powerful words in the world that they can change from anyone’s life from happny to sad and sadness to happiness. so in this blog i will come up with the Famous Quotes in English


Famous Quotes in English

  1. manzilain hamesha un hi ko milti hain jo manzilon ko talasha karty
    Destinations are always reached only by those who search these destinations
    Kum zarf log risto ko azmaty zyada aur nibhaty kum hain.

  2. Hajoom ky sath galat raah pur chalny sy behter hain ky aap tanha
    rah hidayat pur chal pady.
    It is better to be walk alone than to walk on the wrong path with the crowd.

  3. Jin ky dil narazm hoty hain na zindagi unhi ky sathi utna hi
    sakhti sy paish ati hai.
    Those whose hearts are soft, life is their appers to be strict for them.

    30 Best Quotes about life in urdu

  4. Apni zindagi me subko ehmiyat diya karo
    jo acha hoga wahi apko khushi dega
    jo bura hoga wahi apko sabaq dega.
    Give importance to everyone in your life
    only what is good will make you happy whatever bad happens will
    teach you a lesson

  5. sath hona ishq nhi hai, sath dena ishq hai.
    Being together is not love, giving support is love.

  6. waqt, aitbar aur izzat esy parindy hai jo ud jaye to wapas nahi aty.
    Time, trust and respect are such birds that if they fly away they will
    never come back.

  7. gum na kiya karo khoye hui cheez kisi dusri surat me wapas mil
    jati hai.
    Don’t be sad, get the lost thing back in a different form.

  8. kabhi kabhi hum kisi ky liye itny bhi zaroori nahi hoty jitna
    khud zaroori soch lety hai.
    sometimes we are not as important for someone as we thinks that we
    are important for them.

    Famous Quotes in English | All Time Famous Quotes in English

  9. baap ka hath pakadna sekh lo
    umar bhar kisi ky pao padny ki zaroorat nhi padygi
    Learn to hold father’s hand you will not need to support anyone
    throughout your life.

  10. jo apko mazboot banaty hain na wo apki zindagi ky mushkil din
    The things that make you strong are the difficult days of your life.

  11. maut ko yaad rakhna nafs ki sari bimariyon ka ilaj hai.
    Remebering death is the cure for all diseases of the soul.

  12. muhabbat ho ya izzat kisi ko itni na diya karo ky wo apki
    qadar karna hi bhool jaye.
    Love or Respect, don’t give so much to anyone as they forgets you.

  13. Ap jo sochty hain wahi ban jaty hain.
    You become what your think.

  14. apki baatcheet hi bata deti hai ky tarbiyat hoi hai ya pala gaya hai.
    Your conversation itself tells whether you have been trained or nutured.

  15. Jub kisi ny chodna ho to us ky bolny ka andaz badal jata hai
    When some has to leave you then his style of speaking will be changed.

  16. waqt guzarny dain, waqt khid zindagi ko sabaq sikha deta hai.
    Let the time pass, time itself teaches life a lesson by time

    Famous Quotes in English | Famous Quotes in Hindi

  17. Koi bhi kaam na mumkin nahi hai agar ap usy usy karny ki himmat
    rakhty hain to.
    No work is impossible if you have the courage to do it.

  18. zaroorat ki cheez jub zaroorat sy zyada milny lagy to wo bhi gair zaroori ho jat hai.

  19. Rishto ko ehmiyat dijyea, taj mahal logon ky dekha hai mumtaz ny
    Give importance to relationships, people have seen Taj Mahal no mumtaz.

  20. Shikwa, Taqdeer ky likhy pur kabhi shikwa na karna, Ap itny aqalmand
    nhi ho jo Allah pak ky irady samjh sakhy.
    Complain, never complain about destiny, you are not so intelligent to know the plans of Allah.

  21. Achy din guzarny ky liye bury dino sy guzarna padta hai.
    To live good days its necessary to go from living bad days.

  22. Insan hamesha takleef me hi sekhta hai
    khushi me to purany sabaq hi bhool jaty hai.
    Man always learn by pains, in happniess the previous pain are also forgets.

  23. Itna karo ky jub khud py aye to bardasht kar pao

  24. Jin me akely chalny ka hosla hota hai na ek din unky hi pechy qafly hoty hain.

  25. Sabar ka ghont dusron ko pilana asan hai,
    khud pety hue pata chalta hai ky ek ek qatra kitna mushkil hai.
    It is easy give the sip of patience to others,
    have experience yourself to realize that how the each drop is difficult.

  26. jo sabaq zindagi ky guzarty lamhy sikhata hai na wo sabaq koi school bhi nhi sikha sakhta.

  27. Shak aur khauf, dil ki dunya ko do hison me taqseem kary dety hain.
    Doubt and fear divive the world of heart into two parts.

30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu

30+ Most Famous Quotes of All Time

Famous Quotes! In this blog we will cover the Famous Quotes of all time that are about life, happines, feelings and emotions. here you will get the quotes about life, quotes abouot success, and famous quotes of all time.

Words are the most powerful weapon in the world. becase they can play the crucial role in our daily lives. So the correct use of words is very hard for us. 

Here In this blog you will get the latest and most famous quotes of all time about life, succes, struggle and education. 

Famous Quotes | Quotes about Life | Quotes about Success

Famous Quotes

آپ کی زندگی میں بہت سی شکستوں کا سامنا کرنا پڑے گا،
لیکن اپنے آپکو بھی شکست نہیں ہونے دیں۔

Ap ki zindagi me boht si shikaston ka samna karna padyga
lekin apny apko kabhi shikast nahi hony dena.

Famous Quotes

زندگی عاجزی کا ایک طویل سبق ہے۔۔

Zindagi aajzi ka ek taweel sabaq hai.

Famous Quotes

سب سے اہم بات یہ ہے کہ آپ اپنی زندگی سے لطف اندوز ہو۔ خوش رہنا ہی سب کچھ ہے۔

Sabsy eh baat yeh hai ky ap apni zindagi sy lutf andoz ho, khush rehna hi sub kuch hai.

Famous Quotes

زندگی میں کامیاب ہونے کے لیئے آپکو تین چیزوں کی ضرورت ہے۔  خواہش کی ہڈی، ریڑھ کی ہڈی اور خوشی کی ہڈی۔

Zindagi me kamyab hony ky liye apnko teen cheezon ki zaroorat hai, Khuwahish ki hadi, Redh ki hadi, aur khushi ki hadi.

Famous Quotes

ہمیں اس زندگی کی چھوڑنے لی لیئے تیار ہوں
نا چاہیئے جس کی ہم نے منصوبہ بندی کی تھی تاکہ وہ زندگی حاصل ہو جس کی ہمیں خواھش تھی۔

Humain is zindagi ko chodny ky liye tayar hona chahiyea,
jis ki humny mansooba bandi ki thi taky wo zindagi hasil ho jis ki humain khuwahish thi.

Famous Quotes

زندگی اسباق کا تسلسل ہے جسے شمجھنے کے لیے جینا چاہئے.

Zindagi asbaq ka tasalsul hai jisy samjhny ky liye jena chahiyea.

Famous Quotes

آپ زندگی صرف ایک مرتبع جیتے ہیں لیکن اگر آپ اسے صحیح جیتے ہیں تو وہی کافی ہے۔

Aap zindagi sirf ek martaba jety hai lekin agar ap usy sahi jety hai to wahi kafi hai.

Famous Quotes

زندگی کے بارے میں لکھنے کے لئے پہلے اسے جینا چاہئے۔

Zindagi ky bary me likhny ky liye pehly usy jena chahiyea.

30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Famous Quotes

زندگی کی کوئی حد نہیں ہے، سوائے ان کے جو آپ بناتے ہیں۔

Zindagi ki koi had nahi hai, siwaye un ky jo ap banaty hain.

Famous Quotes

زندگی کا ہر سیکنڈ بغیر کسی ہچکچاہٹ کے جیو۔

Zindagi ka har second baghair kisi hichkichahat ky jiyo.

Famous Quotes

زنگی کے سارے دنوں میں ضایع ہونے والا دن بغیر ہنسی کا ہے۔

Zindagi ky sary dino me zaya hony wala din baghair hansi ka hai.

Famous Quotes

ہر دن کا آغاز مثبت سوچ اور شکر گزار دل کے ساتھ کریں۔

Har din ka agaz musbat soch aur shukar guzar dil ky sath kary.

Famous Quotes

زندگی میں آپکو صرف لاعلمی اور اعتماد کی ضرورت ہے پھر کامیابی یقینی ہے۔

Zinadgi me apni sirf lailmi aur aitmad ki zaroorat hai phir kamyabi yaqeeni hai.

Famous Quotes

زندگی کی ناکامیوں میں سے بہت سے لوگ ایسے ہوتے ہیں جنہیں یہ احساس نہیں ہوتا کے جب وہ ہار مان لیتے ہیں تو کامیابی کے کتنے قریب ہوتے ہیں۔

Zindagi ki nakamiyon me sy boht sy log esy hoty hai jinhain yeh ehsas nahi hota ky jub wo har man lety hai to kamyabi unky jinty qareeb hoti hai.

زندگی سائیکل کی سواری کی طرح ہے۔ اپنا توازن برقرار رکھنے کے لیے اپکو حرکت کرتے رہنا چاہیے۔

Zindagi sayecal ki sawari ki tarah hai, Apna tawazun barqarar rakhny ky liye apko harqat karny rehna chaiyea.

آپکو خوشگوار زندگی ملتی نہیں ہے اسے خوشگوار بنانا پڑتا ہے۔

Apko khushgawar zindagi milti nahi hai usy khushgawar banana padta hai.

سب سے بڑا مزہ جو آپ لے سکتے وہ ہے اپنے خوابوں کی زندگی گزار نا

Subsy bada maza jo ap le sakhty hai wo apny khuwabon ki zindagi guzarna hai.

زندگی اہم نہیں ہے سوائے اس کے کہ اس کا دسرہ زندگیوں پر کیا اثا پڑتا ہے۔

Zindagi eh nahi hai siwaye us ky ky us ka dusri zindagiyon pur kya asar padta hai.

اگر آپ کہانی کے مالک ہے تو آپکو اختتام لکھنا ہوگا۔

Agar ap kahani ky malik hain to apko ikhtatam likhna hoga.

زندگی ایک سکے کی مانند ہے، آپ اسے ھس طرح چاہے خرچ کر سکتے ہیں، لیکن خرچ صرف ایک مرتبہ کر سکتے ہیں۔

Zindagi ek siky ki manind hai, Ap usy jis tarah chahy kharch kar sakhty hai, Lekin kharch sirf ek martaba kar sakhty hai.

30+ Best Happiness Quotes of All Time

Happiness Quotes! Is there anything in our life if we have bring smile on anyones face. No there is no other good thing in lifa as much as the bringing the smile on anyones face. So  In this blog we will come up with the most famous and best Happiness Quotes of all time.

Here is the 30 best Happiness Quotes of All time that wiil help you to bring the smiles on anyones friend like family memebrs and friends. Quotes about Happiness in urdu, Happiness Quotes in urdu, Happiness Quotes in english, Happiness Quotes in hindi.

Happiness Quotes || Best Quotes About Happiness || Famous Happy Life Quotes

Happiness Quotes

A person’s character is determined by what makes him happy.

“Insan ka qirdar is baat sy maloom hota hai ky wo kis cheez sy khush hota hai.”

Happiness Quotes

Dont’t smell the flower of happiness so much that the juice of sorrow starts dripping from it.

Khushi ky phool ko itna na sungho ky us me gamon ka ras tapakny lagy

Happiness Quotes

Wo admi aqalmand nahi jo dunyawi lazaton sy khush aur musibaton sy muztarib ho jaye.

Happiness Quotes

A happy person is one who makes others happy.


Happiness Quotes

Ek khush mizaj shakhs wo hai jo dusron ko khush mizaji ata kary.

Happiness Quotes

Small sorrows make troubles while big sorrows remain siltent.

30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Happiness Quotes

Choty gum wavela karty hai jubky bady gum khamosh hoty hai

Happiness Quotes

Don’t destroy other’s happiness for your own happiness.


Happiness Quotes

Apni khushi ky liye dusron ki musarat ko khak me na milao

Happiness Quotes

Instead of realizing happiness ourselves,
we convince others of it to ensure them that we are happy.


Happiness Quotes

Hum khud khushi ka ehsas karny ki bajaye dusron ko is baat ka yaqeen
dilany ki zyada koshish karty hai ky hum khush hain.

Happiness Quotes

Happiness and larning are two oils,
the more your sprinle them on others,
the better they will be.
The more frangrance you smell,
the more it will smell inside you.


Happiness Quotes

Khushi aur sekh do esy atar hai jinhain jitna zyada ap dusron pur chidkaingy utnni
hi zyada khushbo apky andar sy ayegi.

Happiness Quotes

Happiness flourishes only where the seeds of confidence are sown.


Happiness Quotes

Khushiyan wahi parwan chadhti hai jahan aitmad ky beej ki aabyari ho.

Happiness Quotes

If a person becomes carelss about happiness or sorrow,
So even the height of the sky will be affected by the lowness of his steps.


Happiness Quotes

Agar insan gum o khushi ky fikr sy buland ho jaye
to asman ki bulandi bhi usky qadmon ky nechy aajayegi.

Happiness Quotes

Acha ban kar kya milna jo bura bana to kya khona,
dunya khel tamasha hai har shakhs py tali bajti hai.

Happiness Quotes

When times are good,
even your mistakes seem like a joke,
and If the timing is bad then even joking becomes a mistake.


Happiness Quotes

Waqt acha ho to apki galati bhi mazaq lagti hai, aur
waqt kharab ho to mazaq bhi galati ban jati hai.

Happiness Quotes

If there are people in your life who are happier than you.
So no one is more fortunate than you.

Happiness Quotes

Agar apki zindagi maiin aisy log moujood hai jo apki zindagi main apse zyada khush hote hai to apse zyada khush’naseeb koi nahi hai.

Happiness Quotes

People start to notice the difference,
When you don’t care much about anything.

Happiness Quotes

Logo ko tub farq padna shuru hota hai,
jub apko kisi baat sy zyada koi faraq nahi padta.

Happiness Quotes

It is not necessary that people are happy only in the happiness of others.
Some people are happy even in the sorrow of others.

Happiness Quotes

Zaroorii nahi ky dusron ki khushi main he log khush hoty hain.
kuch log toh dusro ky dukh main bhi khush hoty hai.

Happiness Quotes

If you want to be happy then don’t be jealous after seeing the happiness of others.

Happiness Quotes

Agar khush rehna chahty ho to dusron ki khushi dekh kar hasad na karo

Happiness Quotes

The tree does not eat its own flowers,
The river does not drink its own water
know why?
Because living for others is the real life.

Happiness Quotes

darakht apna phul khud nahi khaty,
darya khud apna pani nahi pety
pata hai kyun?
kyunky dusron ky liye jena hi asal zindagi hai.

Happiness Quotes

There are only two things like this
In which there is no loss to anyone
One smile and another prayer always sharing.

Happiness Quotes

Do hi cheezain esi hai
jis me kisi ka kuch nahi jata,
ek muskurahat aur dusri dua
hamesha bantty rahy

More Happiness Quotes in hindi

Bantny sy khushi is tarah badhti hai jis tarah zameen me boya huwa
beej fasal banta hai.

Kitni ajeeb baat hai ky jo khushiya hum sirf apny liye hasil karty hain
un sy bil akhir ukta jaty hain.

naik ny naik samjha, bury ny bura samjha,
Jiska jesa zaraf tha, utna hi pehchana mujhy

Kisi insan ky samny roogy to thukra diye jaogy
rub ky samny roo lo maqbool thehrogy


20+ Cute Quotes About Best Friend in Urdu

Quotes About Best Friend! Best friends is who know evertying all your secrets, that understand you, understand your situtaion, knows all about your past and future, He is one know that help you in everywhere and in any situation. He will be present in your every moment of like although it will be sad moment or happy moment. 

So in this blog we will come up with the most famous and cute Quotes About Best Friend. Quotes are powerful words to share your thoghts, feelings, emotions to anyone. Here is below the Quotes About Best Friend in urdu with text & images.

Quotes About Best Friend || Best friend Quotes || Quotes in Urdu & English

Quotes About Best Friend

I Don’t know if I’m a good friend or not But I Am sure that my friends are the best of all.


Quotes About Best Friend

Mujy yeh nahi pata ky me ek behtreen dost hu ya nai,
Lekin mujhy yeh pura yaqeen hai jo mery dost hai
wo subsy behtreen hai.


Quotes About Best Friend

Some friends are like treasures, the heart tries to build them in the ground.

Kuch dost khajany ki tarah hoty hai,
Dil karta hai zameen me gadh du


Quotes About Best Friend

Life gives us many beautiful friends, but good friends give us a beautiful life.

Quotes About Best Friend

zindagi humain boht khoobsurat dost det hai,
Lekin achy dost humain khoobsurat zindagi dety hai.

Quotes About Best Friend

Friend, first of all, never look at anyone’s face.
Rather, look at his personality and preferences.
Because if loyality was in white color then salt would be a medicine for wounds.

30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Quotes About Best Friend

Dost banany sy pehly kabhi kisi ky chehry ko mat dekh
Balky us ky ikhlaq aur chahiyat ko dekh
Kyunky agar safeed rang me wafa hoti to namak zakhmoon ki dawa hoti

Quotes About Best Friend

It’s important to have someone like this in your life
Who did not need words to express anything.


Quotes About Best Friend

Zindagi me kabhi kisi esy shakhs ka hona zaroori hai
Jis ko kuch bhi batany ky liye lafzon ki zaroorat na pady.

Quotes About Best Friend

Becuase it a friend or a bird, leave them both free.
If he came back, it was not yours. If he not come back then he was never yours.

Quotes About Best Friend

Dost ho ya parinda dono ko azad chod do
laut aya to tumhara na laut ky aya to tumhara kabhi tha hi nahi.

Quotes About Best Friend

More dangerous than enemy is the one who disguises himself as a friend of yours.

Quotes About Friendship || Quotes About Best Friend

Quotes About Best Friend

Dushman sy bhi zyada khatarnak wo hai jo dost ban kar dhoka dy

Quotes About Best Friend

If a friendship is true then even  the evil words of Allah Hafiz do not end.

Quotes About Best Friend

Dosti sachi ho to Allah Hafiz ky bad bhi baatain khatam nahi hoti.

Quotes About Best Friend

Waqt ki yaarai to har koi karta hai mery dost!
Maza to tub ata hai jub waqt badal jaye pur ya na badly

Quotes About Best Friend

Friend of course there should be one, But it should be one that understands silience more than words.

Quotes About Best Friend

Beshak ek ho magar esa ho jo alfaz sy zyada khamoshi samjhy

Quotes About Best Friend

Hazrat Ali, Only those people have the illusion of friendship and their reputation is strict. who has a heart as big as the ocean.

Quotes About Best Friend

Hazrat Ali
Dosti ka bharam sirf wo log sakh sakhty hai
Jin ky wajood me samandar jitna dil ho

Quotes About Best Friend

If the realtionship of friendship has not been formed then men would never have believed that strangers are moer loving than his own.

Agar dosti ka rishta na bana hota to Insan kabhi yaqeen na karta
ky ajnabi log apny sy zyada pyary ho sakhty hai.

Quotes About Best Friend

It’s so easy to make friends 
like writing pencil on a book by pencil
But it’s so hard to be a friend like writing water on water|


Quotes About Best Friend

Dosti karna itna asan ahi
jesy matti sy matti pur matti likhna
Lekin dost nibhana itna mushkil hai
jesy pani sy pani pur pani likhna

Quotes About Best Friend

Sometimes one must express one’s feeling clearly.
Becuase if you tell it, your decision will taken and if you don’t tell it, it will fail.

Quotes About Best Friend

kabhi kabhi dil ki baat saaf saaf bata deni chahiyea
kyunky bata deny sy faisly huwa karty hai or na batany sy fasly

Quotes About Best Friend

People go crazy in love
we cracy about friendship

Quotes About Best Friend

Log mohabbat me pagal ho jaty hain
hum dosti ky dewany hai.

20+ Best Quotes about Love in English

Quotes about Love! One of the best Quotes about love in english is here with images and text. In Todays’ world its hard to express your fellings or emotions to their partner becuase the correct use of words are crucial in any one life so to by this point we will give your the most famous and most beautiful words about love.

In this blog we will come up with the most famous Quotes about Love and best Quotes about Love in english with text and images that will help you to express your feelings and emotions to your partner.

Here is the amazing quotes about love in english. Read all quotes and enjoy with your partner with these beautiful words.

Best Quotes About Love || English Quotes on Love || Love Quotes 


Quotes about Love

To Be Afraid That There May Be A Lack Of Respect Is Called Love


Quotes about Love

Exceeding The Limit In Wanting Anyone Is Called Love

Pyar mE Had Guzar jany Ko Ishq kehty hain


Quotes about Love

Love Is Not Giving Up Love
No Matter What Happend

30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Quotes about Love

One Of The Greatest Things About Love Is That It Makes You Used To Worry

Pyar Ki Subsy badi Khoobi Yeh Hai ky yeh apko Ghabrany py makboor karta hai


Quotes about Love

Love Makes A Man A Poet, Even If He Has Never Heard The Name Of Poetry Before.

Pyar Insan Ko Shair Banata Deta hai Chahy Kabi Usny Shayeri ka Naam Bhi Na Suna Ho.


Quotes about Love

Whoever Fell In Love, Dit Not Fall In Live At First Sight.

JUb Bhi kabi Pyar me Padna pur Pehli nazar Me Mat padna

Quotes about Love

In Today’s World It Is A Miracle For True Lovers To Meet.

Aj Kal Ki Dunya Me PYar karny Walon Ka milna Ajbooa Hai


Quotes about Love

How Sad That Even The Most Beautiful Feelings OF Man Are Associated With Money.

Kitny Dukh Ki baat Ha Ky Insan Ki SUbsy Badi KHshi Bhi Pesy Ky sath Judi hai

Quotes about Love

One Hour Of Love Is Better Than 100 Years Of Lovelessness.


Quotes about Love

Love Is Something That Cannot To Be Teacherd or Taughted.


Quotes about Love

If There Is Not A Single Lover Left In The World,
The Sun Will Lose Its Heat.


Quotes about Love

A Person Is Never As Important To Someone As He Thinks.

Quotes about Love

Love Your Enemies Also Because If Your Loved Ones Then It Will Be A Business.


Quotes about Love

One Word Free One From All The Stress And Pain Of LIfe.
And That Word Is Love.


Quotes about Love

Life Deals More Hashly With Those Whose Hearts Are Soft.


Quotes about Love

Believe Me, There Are No Compulsiions,
People Are Not Loyal Out Of Habit.


Quotes about Love

Therea Are A Million Bad Things In Me,
But I Never Got Involved With Anyone For Selfish Reasons.


Quotes about Love

It’s A Strange Show That To Make Someone Realize One’s Own Fellings Have To Be Killed.


Quotes about Love

The Biggest Misconception Of Childhood Was That Bad Things Happen And Life Has Become Very Fun.


Quotes about Love

As Age Passes, We Start Realizing That Our Parents Were Right About Everything.


Quotes about Love

If A Persons Dies, You Gain Pateience, But When A Living Person Dies For You.
You Never Gain Patience.


Quotes about Love

It’s A Strange Show That To Make Someone Realize One’s Own Feelings Have To Be Killed.


Quotes about Love

By Keeping Small Things In Our Hearts We Spoil Our Big Relationships.


Quotes about Love

People Keep Coming And Going But Life Does Not Stop With Someone’s Coming And Going.

Log to Aty JatY Rahengy Pur Kabhi Rukna Mat Kisi kY any jany Sy


Quotes about Love

Hate Doesn’t Get Rid OF Hate, But Love Does.


Quotes about Love

Love Is The Shoots That Are Plained In Hearts And They Bear Fruit accoring To Their Intellects.

50+ Best Motivational Quotes in Urdu

Best Motivational Quotes! In this blog we will come up with the most famous and inspirational best motivational quotes in urdu. Best Motivational quotes On life with images, so if you want to inspire yourself or anyother than these quotes are very helpful for you.

50+ Best Motivational Quotes in Urdu with Images | Islamic Quotes In Urdu with Images | Inspirational Quotes on life with Images

Why do people hurt other people so much?

Just stop for a minute and think about this issue. Who are the people who do not hurt othres? They are the people who do not hur themselves. The lava of sorrow and pain inside them is no so intense taht it boild and falls on others.

The main thinsg is that keeping yourself safe is essential to keeping others safe..

“So to protecting yourself is protecting others.”

Measning that its purpose is tha same, so it saturated everyone the same way. and selfkindness comes from letting the truth in and be allowed to bandage your wounds so that you can become healthy inside.

Best Motivational Quotes in Urdu

Here are the most famous and Best Motivational Quotes of All time in urdu


Best Motivational Quotes

Dard wo hota hai jo humy dusron ko takleef me dekh kar mehsoos ho,
warna apna dard to janwaron ko bhi mehsoos hota hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Hum insan  ki fitri kamzoriyan daba sakhty hai,
Un ko kisi had tak rok sakhty hai, 
magar un ka qataye insdad nahi kar skahty.

Best Motivational Quotes

Asmat ki hifazat zaroori hai magar pet ki bhookh mitana bhi zaroori haii.

Best Motivational Quotes

Darasal jinsi bhookh kuch is qism ki bhookh hai ky mitaye nahi mit sakhti.

Best Motivational Quotes

Mard ka tasawur hamesha aurton ko asmat ky tany hue rasy pur khada kar deta hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Wo aurat jo qanoon ki us dunya me sar e bazar apna maal bechti hai aur 
koi dhoka nahi deti, shareef nahi hai?

Best Motivational Quotes

Bady bady mutaqabiron aur sarkashon ko bhi khuda ky samny jhuky baghair chara nahi.

Best Motivational Quotes

Jub tu khuda sy magfirat o ata ka talib hai to jin logon ki umeedain teri zaat sy wabasta hai, to unhain bhi mahroom o mayoos na kar.

Best Motivational Quotes

Jo shakhs koshish aur amal me kothaye karta hai pechy rehna us ka muqadar hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Musibat me hosla nahi harna chahiyea, Himmat sy uska muqabla karna chahiyea. Himmat taqat sy zyada kaam karti hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Ehsas kya hai?
Dusron ki takleef ko apni takleef samjhna.

Best Motivational Quotes

Zalim jub tak zulm nahi chodta us ky haq me koi dua qabool nahi hoti.

Best Motivational Quotes

Dunya by wafa aur intehaye naqabile airtbar hai us sy faida wahi shakhs uthata hai jo usy makhlooq e khuda ki islah aur falah me laga deta hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

jo log dunyawi shaiys aur zaroorat ki hasool ky liye mustarab hai, wahi darasal takleef me hoty hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Jis insan ko talash ky nuqtaye haye daqeed sy aashnaye na ho. Wo dusron ky chehry hi dekhta chala jata hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Purany waqton ko yaad nahi  karty zyada, Naye dino me ghun laga jata hai.

Islami Quotes in Urdu with images | Best Motivatinal Quotes in Urdu

Best Motivational Quotes

Jo shakhs sajdon me rehta hai, Usy taqdeer pur rona nahi padta.

Best Motivational Quotes

Insan ka subsy bada dushman fal bad hai aur subsy bada khair khuwah kar naik hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Hamesha methy alfaz bolo taky kabhi alfaz wapis leny pady to kadwy na lagain.

Best Motivational Quotes

Agar rasta khoobsurat hai to maloom karo ky kis manziil ko jata hai,
Lekin agar manzil khoobsurat hai to rasta ki parwah mat karo.

Best Motivational Quotes

Jin logon ky khayalat achy hoty ha wo kabhi tanha nahi rehty.

Best Motivational Quotes

Waqt, dost aur rishty yeh wo cheezain hai jo hamessha muft me milti hai, magar un ki qadar tub pata chalti hai, jub yeh kahi khoo jati hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

So dosto sy behter wo ek dushman hai jo dil me nafrat to rakkhta hai lekin munafiqat nahi rakhta.

Best Motivational Quotes

Intezar karny waloon ko sirf itna hi milta hai, jitna koshish karny walon sy jata hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Jis shakhs ky dushman nahi haii aur sub dost hai us jesa munafiq, koi nahi kyunky dushman us ky hory hi, jo haq ki baat karta hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Jo galati kar nahi sakhta wo farishta hai,
Jo galati karky us pur dat jaye wo shaitan hai aur,
Jo galati karky foran tauba karly wo insan hia.

Best Motivational Quotes

Har baat pur ha milana munafiqon ki nishani hai..

Best Motivational Quotes

KHushi insan ko itna nahi sikhati jitna gum sikhata hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Jo tumhari khamoshi sy tumhari takleef ka andaza na kar sakhy us ky samny zaban sy izhar karna sirf lafzon ki zaya karna hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Jo shakhs tumhara gussa bardasht kary aur sabit qadar rahy to wo tumhara sacha dost hai.

30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Best Motivational Quotes

Logon ko usi tarah maaf karo jesy tum khuda sy umeed rakhty ho ky wo tumhain maaf kardyga.

Best Motivational Quotes

waqt esi zameen hai jis pur baghair muhabbat ky kuch peda hai hota.

Best Motivational Quotes

Achy aur musbat khayalat kisi dolat sy kaam nahi.

Best Motivational Quotes

Sony ko aag parakhti hai aur insan ko masaib.

Best Motivational Quotes

Khamoshi dana kar zewar aur ehmaq ka bharam hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Roshni ki umeed rakhohu magar umeed pur zindagi mat guzaron.

Arzo e nisf zindagi haii by basi nisf maut.

Inspirational Quotes on lifebest  | Best Motivational Quotes in Urdu

Best Motivational Quotes

Pur khulus duaaon jesa koi tohfa nahi.

Best Motivational Quotes

Ilm sy bada koi khazana nahi, buri adat sy zyada ko dushman nahi aur sharm sy behter koi libas nahi.

Best Motivational Quotes

Munh sy hamesha achy alfaz hi nikalo, taqy dushman ko bhi dost banalo.

Best Motivational Quotes

Har mushkil insan ki himmat imtehan leti hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

achi kitabain behtreen dost hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Walidain ki taraf muhabbat ki nigha sy dekhna ibadat hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

ZYada Hoshiyar darasal badgumani hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Kabil mard, apni nigah me saat daleel lany walon ki nisbat zyada aqal mand hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Shareer apni badqari ky sabar padda aur azkhud gunah ki rasiyom me jakda jata hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Insaf, saqid ky liye khushih aur badqarom ky liye khoof hai,

Best Motivational Quotes

Badgumani kashti ky andar qatra qatra rasta hur pani hai jo aakhkirkat kashti ko ly dobta hai/

Best Motivational Quotes

Ansoon bahaon aur khoob bahaon yeh soch kar nahi ky hamari khuwahishat puri nahi hoti, 
balky yeh sochakt ky hum apni khuwahishat ky kis qadar ghulam hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Kisi ko ilzam dety waqt apny graiban me jhank lena chahyea.

Best Motivational Quotes

Waqt, Mout, and Gahak teno hi kisi ka intezar nahi karty.

Best Motivational Quotes

Momin ky liye kitna bura hai ky wo esi cheezon ky khuwahish kary jo us ky liye zillat aur ruswaye ka sabab banti hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Jo cheezan apny wajood me teri muhtaj hai un sy tery liye kyunkar istedlaar kiya ja sakhta hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

ZIndagi ko hamesha muskurat kar guzaron kyunky tum nahi janty ky yeh kitni baqihai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Salh afrad ky sath uthna bethna falah aur behbood ki taraf dawat deta hai, Ulama ka adab karna aqal me izafy ka sabab hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

EK aaliama jis sy log faida uthty ho wo satar hazar aabidon sy behter hai.

Best Motivational Quotes in Urdu

Best Motivational Quotes

Dusron ki choti choti baaton me khayal rakhny sy badi badi muhabbatin janam leti hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Khamoshi ibadat hai baghair mehnet ky.

Best Motivational Quotes

Tumhara chal chalan us baat sy maloom ho sakhta hai ky tum kis cheez ko dekh kar khamosh ho rahy ho.

Best Motivational Quotes

Insan ki samjhdar yeh hai ky wo kifayat shiaar ho.

Best Motivational Quotes

Buland awaz me qahqaha lagana achi baat nahi samjhi jati.

Best Motivational Quotes

Sheerain qalami insan ka husn hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Pani jub tak rawa rehta hai, saaf rehta hai aur jub tuk jata hai to gadla aur kichad jesa ho jata hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Aqalmand hamesha shako e shubaat me gehry rehty hai/

Best Motivational Quotes

Maa ki mamta ek anmol naimat hai.

Best Motivational Quotes

Jub tu kisi sy ehsan kary to us ka makhfi rakh aur jub tery sath koi ehsan kary to usko zahir kar.

20+ Best Poetry in Urdu

Poetry in Urdu! Read the best Poetry in urdu of all time. Asia’s most famous sad popetry in this web. This sad shayeri can be used to express your emotions. Sad Poetryn is a way of communicating of emotions and expressiong by text called Shayeri. So if you want to tell your emotions and feelings to others then this post of Best Poetry in urdu is very helpful for you.

In this blog i will come up with the all time Best Poetry in Urdu that will help you to express you feelings and emotions to peoples. So read the full post of Poetry in urdu. If you want to tell your feelings by quotes then read our post ” 100+ Most Famous Quotes of All Time “. 

Most Famous Poetry in Urdu


Poetry in Urdu

Ranjish hi sahi dil hi dukhany ky liye aa
Aa phir sy mujhy chod ky jany ky liye aa.

Come to show your heart even if you are angry
Come to leave me again

Poetry in Urdu

Jo guzri na ja sakhti hum sy
Hum ny wo zindagi guzari hai.

Which could not be spent by us
We have lived that life.

Poetry in Urdu

Yeh mujhy chain kyu nahi padta?
Ek hi shaksh tha jahan me kya?

Why doesn’t this happen to me?
Where was the only person I did?

Poetry in Urdu

Tum jao bady shauq sy munh mod ky jao,
Asos nahi dil koo mery tod ky ja..

You go and turn away with great enthusiam
Don’t be sorry, break you heart.

Famous Sad Poetry in Urdu | Sad Shayeri in Urdu

Poetry in Urdu

Kar rha tha gum jahan ka hisab
Aaj tum yaad byhissab aye

Read more: 30+ Best Islamic Quotes in Urdu

Poetry in Urdu

Phir kon bhala dad e taba unhy dy ga
Royengi boht mujh sy bichad kar teri ankhain.

Then who will give them good luck?
My eyes will cry a lot

Poetry in Urdu

Yun dekhty rehna usy acha nahi muhsin
Wo kanch ka pekar hai tu pathar teri ankhain

It is not good for him to keep watching like this, Mohsin
He is a glass figure, so stone eyes.

Poetry in Urdu

Har waqt hansna tujhy barbad na kardy
Tanhaye ky lamhoon me kabhi roo bhi liya kar

Don’t let laughing all the time ruin you
Sometimes even crying in moments of loneliness

Poetry in Urdu

Ab tak meri yaadon sy mitaye nahi mitta
Bhegi hui ik sham ka manzar teri ankhain

Until now, the dead cannot be erased from the memories 
The scene of a drenched evening

All Time Best Poetry in Urdu

Poetry in Urdu

Suprd karky usy chandni ky hathon me
Me apny ghar ky andheron ko laut ayungi

By handing it over to mood nights
I will return to the darkness of my home

Poetry in Urdu

Wo mil jaye mujhy to yun samjhuga galib
Janat ka ailan ho jesy kisi gunash gar ky liye..

If he gets it, I will consider him as the winner galib,
Heaven is anounced as for a sinner

Poetry in Urdu

band kardiya keh ky sanpon ky supairon ky
Insan hi kafi hai insan ko dasny ky liye..

By saying this, the sanekrs close the snakes
A man is enough to bite a man

Poetry in Urdu

Kisi ki kahani me hum yehi rahengy
Koi humain bhi soch kar muskuraye ga

We will live in someone’s story
Someone will think of us and smile

Poetry in Urdu

Tera khayal to me so bar chod du
Lekin tera khayal mujhy bhoolta nahi…

I will leave your thoughts as hundred times
But I don’t forget your thoughts.

Poetry in Urdu

Azmaty hai log sabr mera
Zikr tumhara har bar karky

Let’s try people my paterience,
Be mentioning your again and again..

Poetry in Urdu

Phool khilty hue bhi dekhy hai boht
Haye ry us shakhs ki dilkash hansi lekin

I have also seen many flowers blooming,
Oh, that person’s charming laugh.

Poetry in Urdu

Nahi tanha aitbar usko meri mukhlisi pur,
Kho diya us ny mujhy azmaty azmaty

He did not believe in my sincerity.
He tried to dig me

Poetry in Urdu

Jo guzari na ja sakhy hum sy
hum ny wo zindagi guzari hai

What could not be spend from us to
We lived that life

Poetry in Urdu

Mujhko aksar udas karti hai ek taswee muskurati hui

One often makes me sad 
your smilling Image.

Poetry in Urdu